Dominance and Submission

The $1700 Edge (One Minute Clip)

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Her: “I’m testing the boundaries at the moment. I’m working with another teacher who you know, and just before I made an offer on this MasterClass, I had a session with her, and she had tested me and said, “Okay. Well, what do you feel comfortable offering?” kind of thing, and I felt like I handled it quite well. But I really struggled when it came to yours because there was nobody holding my hand, but I pushed myself with it as well. You were like, “Offer what’s true.” and I sat there with it and then I felt for my edges and I got to this point and I was like, “Oh, my God. I’m gonna do this thing on top of this other thing. I just did that and then I’m gonna do this”. And I was like but this is the only thing that feels right. Like I can’t, I couldn’t offer you anything else. There was nothing else I could give you that would be true. And I was just like okay, this is where I gotta go.”

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Obliteration Dance (An Essay)

I chose him precisely because of the density.

The grit.

For the perceived dysfunction that would highlight my own so I could erect what had long been limp.

I used him to purify myself.

To be stripped even further.

To stay until nothing was left.

From the outside, it looked insane.

And to my human, it felt like hell.

But obliteration was what I was after.

Why else would I have danced right there.

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Surrender vs Submission (An Essay)

In his brilliant work (The Untethered Soul, Living Untethered, The Michael Singer Podcast), Michael Singer uses the word ‘surrender’ (a lot) for what is actually full submission (aka ‘going blind’, as he noted so accurately).

But words are just words.

It’s the energy that speaks.

And his energy speaks volumes.

Typically when others speak and write of surrender, I cringe a little because you can feel the powerlessness in it.

They’re expressing from a passive / hopeful state.

It’s a giving up.

A handing over.

A feeling of defeat.

At times it’s even manipulative.

It’s: ‘I’ll do this so I can get that.”

It’s pretending not to care while caring very much.

It’s pretending to let go while waiting for it to come.

The energy of surrender is powerless.

The energy of submission however…


It’s actively remaining still.

It’s fully engaged.

It’s a deeply felt KNOWing.

Even when it appears like nothing is ‘happening’.

Existing wide awake and never moving IS the happening.

Submission is being erect / intact / discerning.

Which is the opposite of surrender.

It’s actually never surrendering.

It’s never deviating from one’s Self.

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Diving In Unobstructed (An Essay)

The thing about being energetically erect and intact (one’s natural state), and not playing (making moves) unless and until it’s still, is that it perfectly fucks with whatever matter I’m currently holding on to.

The exact shit that’s here to be burned by the fire of ME.

It also perfectly fucks with the shit of whoever I’m playing with.

If there are any strings of attachment (hoping / waiting / needing / trying / expecting / victimizing / or whatever other bullshit that needs to go), I don’t touch it.

Because it’s an energetic turn off.

But if I feel turned on despite and because of the matter, it means that the shit is ready to get fucked up and I’m the bitch to do it.

Ultimately though, I play where it’s clear.

Where I sense no limits, no restrictions, no actual end in sight.

Just a wide open space to dive into unobstructed.

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He Moves With Me Seamlessly (An Essay)

He reminds me of a Leonard Cohen quote.

“You go your way. I’ll go your way, too.”

He moves with me seamlessly.


With nothing in between.

A dance so quiet, so tender, so natural, so close.

So light.

So pure.

So empty.

So free.

Little is spoken.

Yet everything is said.



Here we are.

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Dripping Like Honey (An Essay)

he joked that i’m grooming him to be my submissive

which i loved

because although i’m not doing anything but being me

free of an agenda

and no requirements of another

(just a fine attunement to what turns me on and an unwillingness to play elsewhere)

the natural consequence of that for someone who is open to

and turned on by

my natural way of being

is submission (my heaven)

which feels as delicious to my system as it does to theirs


from the very first scene

i was dripping like honey

from the energy of us

it was potent and true

it was pure and uncontrived

the most erotic dance in the world

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When Bullshit is Afoot (An Essay)

It’s not like I go around disrupting everyone and everything around me just because there’s bullshit afoot.

I don’t move until I’m moved.

When I can’t help but do it.

When it would be untrue not to whatever I’m called to do.

I never plan to fuck shit up.

I never ‘try’ to fuck shit up.

I just ‘apply pressure’ when it’s required because my being told me so.

And ‘applying pressure’ can look like anything.

It can look like speaking the truth.

It can look like not responding.

It can look like digging in.

It can look like not intervening.

The moment and the energy and the inner directive determines the move.

Not the person or the thing specifically.

Even when people in my life are going through the shit, I don’t pull a ‘Mandy’ on them just because I can.

Because unless it’s true, it does nothing for either of us.

The Mandy move only works when the energy between me and another is activated - the telltale sign that both of us are ready to play together and fuck shit up - without even knowing what’s about to go down.

And until I feel that pull, I don’t make a move.

And when I do, KA-BOOM.

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